Three Key Benefits of goseed® for Onions

Germains offers several different options and combinations of seed treatments for onions. Our portfolio includes emergis® priming, ProPellet® and Proflo® seed coatings that may be stacked with conventional or organic filmcoat treatments for early crop protection.

In addition, Germain’s seed health technologies are gaining popularity amongst growers because they offer a range of benefits that promote plant growth.  Our goseed® health technology for onions is a seed applied micronutrient that aids early plant nutrition, even before the plant emerges. Early nutrition ensures a plant’s success in variable growing conditions helping the plant to overcome environmental stresses.  goseed® maximizes the potential nutrient uptake of the seedling which is vital for future growth and crop development.

Three Key Benefits goseed® for Onions

  1. Larger seedlings with Longer, More Developed Roots
    goseed® on onion gives the root a boost early on, as you can see in the below image. Longer roots allow for more nutrient absorption offering bigger, stronger onions when harvesting.
  1. Improved Uniformity
    Uniformity of onion crops is particularly important for more efficient harvests and allows an equal amount of space for each plant to develop successfully and uniformly. The chart on the right shows data from a trial in Cuyama, CA, where goseed® has increased the uniformity of the crop compared to the contrgoseed_onion_two
  1. Increased yield potential
    goseed® offers bigger, stronger and more uniform bulbs, therefore increasing yield, in the end providing you with more value. Stacked with our other seed technologies, your plants will begin to benefit from the goseed® treatment upon emergence.
    goseed onions

Not Sure if goseed® is the Right Seed Treatment for You?

If you are unfamiliar with goseed® or uncertain whether or not this may be the right treatment for your farm, we encourage to consider conducting your own field trial!

Here are a few steps you can take that may help answer some of your questions:

  1. Utilize our goseed value calculator. A great tool to help you calculate the potential financial benefits goseed® may provide you.
  2. Talk with your preferred seed distributor about conducting your own field trial. Field trials are the best way for you to get familiar with our seed technologies and to test how the seed treatments perform in your field.
  3. If your seed distributor is not familiar with our seed technology, please get them in touch with us. We are happy to provide you with contact information for other seed distributors we work with in your area. Germains provides seed treatment services to over 250 seed distributors across North America and Mexico.

Just like any new seed variety, we encourage growers to trial our products and to stack them with other seed technologies to create a seed treatment that is customized to your needs. For more information about our seed treatments for onions, please feel to contact us today!

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