Sugar Beet Production

Factors that Affect Sucrose Accumulation

Factors That Affect Sucrose Accumulation (Part 1)

Sugarbeets are a unique crop which is unparalleled in its ability to produce and store sucrose. The sugarbeet root is a highly specialized plant organ for carbohydrate storage. Typical sucrose accumulation is generally between 16-20% with 20-23% being attainable. Research is continually being conducted to determine how to attain the highest amount of sucrose in […]

self propelled sugarbeet harvester

How Seed Treatments Impact Sugarbeet Harvesting Equipment

Sugarbeet harvesting equipment and methods do vary significantly between production areas in the USA. Each produce or area has their own reasons for which method they engage. Producers must evaluate each system for potential drawbacks and benefits. A multitude of factors to consider that range from economics to the availability of labor. The ultimate goal […]

Idaho Trial

Research is Key to Identifying New Seed Enhancements

Potential new seed enhancements for sugarbeet are entering the marketplace at a steady pace. Suppliers of these products often make unverified claims ranging from improved emergence and faster growth to improved yield and quality. Commonly these products, lack reliable research and include no statistical analysis. Often the claims are based on grower testimonials. Results based […]


Improvements in Sugarbeet Production Technologies

It has been exciting to watch the improvements in sugarbeet production technologies in the last 15 years. Growers are rapidly incorporating new technologies that are continuously being introduced. With the adoption of each new technology an incremental improvement in efficiency, yield and/or quality has occurred.  The impact of each technological change does vary greatly depending […]

How to Store Sugar Beets

How to store sugar beets all depends on the region where you are located. The winter months are an important time for sugar beet cooperatives.  How you store sugar beets during the winter months can either benefit or subtract from a grower’s payment.  Each growing area uses different techniques to maximize sugar retention and minimize […]

Reduce Tillage Methods for Sugarbeet Production

Conservation practices and sugarbeet production have not always come together.  However, growers in the U.S. are making advances with conserving their soil by implementing reduce tillage methods in sugarbeet production. Since the introduction of Round-Up Ready technology in 2008; sugarbeet growers can control weed populations in conjunction with soil conservation practices.  Conservation practices include strip-till […]