Sugar Beet Trials

Sugarbeet Variety Trial Tours

2018 Official Sugarbeet Variety Trial Tours

Each sugarbeet growing area in the USA annually conducts official sugarbeet variety trial tours. These tours allow the sugarbeet breeders to tour each growing area to visually evaluate varieties they have developed while assessing the quality of research trials in various regions. Depending on the production area, sugarbeet variety trial tours generally last one to […]

Sugarbeet Research Trials 2017

April and May are busy months for sugarbeet research trials. While preparing sugarbeet seed with new seed treatments, Germains team in Fargo is busy identifying trial locations and prepping randomizations. Trial plantings take a substantial amount of work and preparation to ensure that the data received after harvest is accurate. Sugarbeet Research Trials | Ensuring […]

Western Sugar Coorperative 2016 Variety Tours

Sugar beet cooperatives across the United States run trials to approve varieties for production by their growers.  These trials are used to identify varieties that meet certain standards.  These standards include; yield, sugar content, and disease resistance traits.  Each growing area has its own rules and requirements that seed companies need to achieve for varieties […]