Seed Priming

Germains Seed Technology

Organic Seed Treatments | Designed for Vegetables

As consumer demands for organic produce increases, Germains recognise the need to deliver industry-leading organic solutions to the seed world. Germains’ organic product line is certified by Skal Bio Controle in the Netherlands and Soil Association in the United Kingdom, reflecting our commitment to meet the ever changing demands of today’s agriculture industry. Organic Seed […]


Always Delivering the Highest Quality Seed Technology

Quality is a key pillar in Germains Seed Technology’s processes. We pride ourselves on producing top quality Sugar Beet and Horticultural seed treatments to the highest industry standards for our stakeholders. Five years ago, Germains became the first seed technology company to become ESTA (European Seed Treatment Assurance) accredited in the UK, supporting our drive […]

Seed Priming

Seed Priming Technology & Storability at Germains Seed Technology

Germains is dedicated to delivering industry-leading seed treatments that provide value added solutions for Sugar Beet. Seed Priming technology is one of Germains’ key technology platforms available for Sugar Beet seed, but what exactly is seed priming and what are its benefits? Seed Priming Technology: The Process In Sugar Beet, establishing high and uniform final plant […]


SIVAL Trade Show | Supporting the French Seed Industry

The SIVAL brings together everyone who counts from the world of horticulture, viticulture, arboriculture and vegetable growing. It is the leading trade fair for specialty crops in France and the best place where producers (plant raisers, growers etc…) come to find the keys to their future success. Alongside this the show is a huge platform for […]

2017 Grower Enagement Trials

Germains’ 2017 Grower Engagement Trials Results

For over 50 years, Germains have been delivering innovative sugar beet seed treatments to support the UK Sugar Beet industry. Today, Germains continue to invest in the research and development of pioneering products designed to deliver higher yields, and demonstrated through our Grower Engagement Trials programme. These trials give UK growers the opportunity to sample […]

spinach priming

Spinach seed priming boosts Danish seed production

The small country of Denmark is a big player in the area of global seed production. Around 5000 highly skilled Danish growers produce more than 40 % of the EU’s total production of grass and horticultural seeds for  crops including (but not limited to) spinach, cabbage, herbs, chrysanthemum and flowers.  The growers in Denmark benefit […]

Germains stand at IIRB Congress, Brussels

The 75th IIRB Congress: A focus on Priming and Storability of Sugar Beet Seed

Between the 16th and 17th February, Germains attended the International Institute for Beet Research (IIRB) congress in Brussels, Belgium. With a focus on research and development within the Industry, Germains have attended the event for many years presenting posters on recent research undertaken by our dedicated Research and Development teams. The posters can be downloaded […]

Tempo seed priming vs raw seed results

What is Seed Priming?

Providing industry-leading innovative seed technology, Germains Seed Technology uses the latest biological tools and techniques, which provide value-added solutions to maximise the natural potential of seed in the field. Seed priming is one of the key technology categories we offer for a number of vegetable crops and sugar beet. But what exactly is priming and […]