
Clean seed, pure & simple.

Gopure is a conventional seed disinfection process that uses a combination of processes and/or crop protection products that inhibit the growth of seed-borne pathogens, such as Pseudomonas spp. and Xanthomonas. Customisable to meet your field challenge. Stack gopure with conventional fungicides for added protection from soil-borne pathogens.

Key benefits

Seed disinfection process Reduces pathogens to nearly undetectable levels post-treatment

Protects future crop rotations by reducing the transfer of pathogenic organisms into the field

Improves seed and seedling health, helping to optimise yield

Causes little to no impact on germination or shelf life

Yield is a primary focus when developing seed technologies. However, potential yield increases may be compromised without clean and healthy seeds. Seed-borne diseases are a significant issue that costs the seed industry and vegetable growers significant yearly revenue loss.

Contact us to learn more about our seed disinfection services.

Species availability:
Brassicas, Celery, Chard, Coriander, Red Beet