Organic Seed Health



Organic Seed Health

In today’s seed industry, seed health is a two-fold responsibility, requiring both delivery of clean seed to the grower and compliance with phytosanitary regulations. Yield is a key factor when developing seed technologies; however, without clean and healthy seed, potential overall yield and harvest quality are at stake. Seed-borne diseases are a serious issue that costs the seed industry a significant amount of revenue each year. In response to today’s challenges, Germains offers a variety of organic seed health technologies that support organic growers.

Organic seed  health technology provides a range of benefits that maximise your crop’s potential and are compliant with phytosanitary requirements.

Organic seed health technologies offer many benefits, including:

At this time we are in the trialing seed health technologies in the EU but they are currently on the market in the United States, click here for more information.

Product List